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UWDC Upload and Download Instructions

Insure data are OK to transfer

Note that you should not be transferring any identifiable or sensitive data unless your data use agreement and/or IRB permissions specifically allow you to do so.

Install SFTP client

To transfer files to and from the UWDC Enclave servers, you will need to install an SFTP client such as FileZilla or WinSCP, or know how to use sftp or scp at the command line.

You will connect to
server name:
port: 22 (or do not specify)
user name: netid\myuwnetid (where “myuwnetid” is your UWNetID)

When you connect, you will see a folder named “Enclave_Xfer” that will be used for copying files to or from the Enclave.


If you are uploading multiple files, please create a zip or 7zip archive of the files.

Use SFTP to transfer the file to the folder Enclave_Xfer, which you should see when you make the connection to


If you are downloading multiple files, please create a zip or 7zip archive of the files.

While using a remote desktop session connected to the Enclave server, copy the file to your X: drive. If you are usihng any directory hierarchies (i.e., folders), make note of the folder name where the file is stored.

Request file transfer

Only after you have either uploaded your file using SFTP (for uploads) or copied your file to the X: drive (for downloads), make a request using the File Transfer Request Form.