Data Axle (Infogroup) Historical Business and Consumer Data

Dataset Details

Data Summary

Data Axle (formerly known as Infogroup) is a data analytics marketing firm that provides digital and traditional marketing data on millions of consumers and business. UWDC houses and facilitates access to two forms of Infogroup historical data:

  1. Geo-referenced information on millions of households basic consumer profiles; and
  2. Address-level data on US business entities and other organizations.

The files are organized in state-year format, with each file providing a snapshot of households/businesses at the end of each calendar year. The data can, thus, be represented as a time series from 1996-2022 (for business records) and 2006-2022 (for consumer records).

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Temporal Extent

Time series, Annual from 1996 to 2022

Geographic Extent

United States

Unit of Analysis

Households or businesses

Institutional Partners

UW Libraries